How to use Streamline Athletes for collegiate track & field recruitment
Are you a high school track and field athlete? A collegiate athlete interested in exploring new schools to continue your academics and athletics?
Navigating the sea of college and university options available to you as a runner, jumper, or thrower can be overwhelming. It’s easy to miss opportunities or make decisions without the right information. Whether you’re in grade 10 and want to better understand the collegiate track and field landscape, a high school senior looking for your best track scholarship opportunity, or a transfer with specific search criteria for your next school, Streamline Athletes was designed with you in mind. As former varsity track/XC athletes, our team built Streamline Athletes to make life easier for university-bound athletes who compete in our specific sport.
This article covers how to use Streamline Athletes to get to the right university for you to pursue both your academics and your track and field and/or cross-country career. It’ll show you how to:
- create your account;
- complete your profile;
- explore university track and field/cross-country programs;
- add opportunities to your list;
- start conversations with coaches from your list.
Rather hear Olympian Aaron Brown explain what we're all about? Check out his video below!
StreamlineAthletes is a rapidly growing company, so we'll be introducing international associations soon! Right now, you can browse and filter through every collegiate track & field/XC association in the USA and Canada.
Let’s get started.
1. Signing up for Streamline Athletes
If you’re already on, click the blue “sign up” button or the yellow "Create Your Free Account" button.

If you’re not on the site, use this as a sign up button.
Select whether you’d like to sign up with Facebook, Google or e-mail. If you choose Facebook or Google, we’ll use the email address and profile picture you have associated with whichever you choose, so pick the one with an email address you frequently check (this is where coaches will contact you!) and the photo you want for your Streamline Athletes profile.
If you just sign up with your e-mail, Streamline Athletes will request access to your e-mail account and then you will be sent a verification e-mail. Click the link provided in the e-mail sent to your inbox to verify your e-mail and you will be able finish setting up your account.
Next, you'll need to choose whether you are a "Student Athlete" or "Parent/Guardian" and input your first and last name, and birthday. Make sure to tick the box at the bottom to confirm you are under the supervision of a parent if you're under the age of 18 or that you are above the age of 18 to continue.

Lastly, tell us whether you have graduated from high school or not - and if not, let us know when you expect to graduate from high school and when you expect to enter a post-secondary program (go to college).
Hit that blue “create account” button.

Welcome to your Streamline Athletes dashboard! 🎉

You can select a membership type once in the dashboard under the "Account Settings" tab. Basic (the default) is free, PLUS offers more and Plus Elite offers even more. Check out the differences here!
2. Completing your Streamline Athletes profile
After those quick sign-up steps, you’ll be introduced to your Streamline Athletes profile. This is where you’ll add and update your personal information, track and field and cross-country events and performances, academic information, extra information, and highlights.
Before you can be considered "recruitable" and get in touch with a coach, you’ll need to complete three of these sections:
- About Me (the section with your name at the top)
- Athletic Information
- Academic Information
These three sections will contain the key pieces of info any university coach will need in order to invite you for a visit, offer you a roster spot, or offer you a track and field scholarship to join their program.
To help make sure your profile is completed, to move on to the next section you must fill out each mandatory section of the previous section. We start with your "About Me" section to input your personal information.
About Me
- Click/tap the “edit” icon on the top right corner of the section or the blue "Complete Profile" button.
- Input the gender you compete in track & field/xc as. Click "Save Changes"

- Input your Birthday. Click "Save Changes"
- Input the email you want to communicate with coaches through (or check the box to use the same one used for sign up) and your phone number. Click "Save Changes"
- Input your current residency (where you live). Click "Save Changes"

- Input your citizenship. Click "Save Changes"
- Input your recruiting status (whether you are actively looking to be recruited or not). Click "Save Changes"

Once these mandatory sections are complete you can move on to athletics by clicking back to "My Profile" in the top left or you can fill some of of the remaining optional sections like - languages spoken, social media handles (to show off some highlights), or parent/guardian info, to make your profile stand out more.
Double check the information you entered for the section when back on "My Profile" homepage. What grade you’re currently in is super important, as collegiate coaches need to know how soon you can be enrolled in their university and training with their team!

Athletic Information
- Click/tap “edit” on the top right side of the section.
- Click/tap "add new performance +" on right of the section to add a new performance.

- Enter the date and season of the performance.
- Select an event from the “Event” dropdown menu.
- Add a time, distance, or height result in the “Performance” field.
- Paste a link to the official results from the meet at which you recorded your performance.
- Press “Save Changes”.
- Repeat with more performances of the same or different events!
- Head back to "My Profile" at the top left to continue onto the "Academic Information" section
When you add a link to an official result we can verify your performances and add a "verified" icon. This increases your chances of being recruited!
You may also record your athletic club, current coach, and health/injury status in the optional sections.
Academic Information
- Click/tap “edit” on the top right side of the section.
- Click/tap "add new performance +" on right of the section to add a new performance.

- Enter the name of your school in the “School” field.
- Enter your grade from the “Academic Level” dropdown menu.
- Select the academic year from the “Year of Study” dropdown menu.
- Enter the method your school uses to evaluate grades in the "Evaluation Type" dropdown menu. Select GPA, Average (%) or Cote R.
- Enter your cumulative grade under “Score”
- Press “Save Changes”.
You can upload an unofficial transcript, report card or other document to verify the academic performance you inputted. Also, you may input any exam scores (SAT, ACT, TOEFL) or desired field of study in the optional section.
After completing the About Me, Athletic Information, and Academic Information sections of your profile - and we've verified one of your performances - you’ll be 100% recruitable and able to contact coaches!

3. Exploring programs and adding them to your list
This is where the fun begins.
Streamline Athletes is the only platform dedicated to university track and field and cross-country. Using our Explore Programs feature, you can sort and filter universities based on what’s important to you.
Here's how to use Explore Programs:
Hit the "Explore Programs" button ("Programs" on your phone or tablet) from the side menu.

Next is applying your filters:
You have the ability to filter through team offerings, association & conference, Location, or whether they are a top recruiter or not. Only interested in a BIG10 NCAA college with both an indoor and outdoor track? Apply these filters on the side bar and you'll see only the programs that match this criteria.

Use the arrows in each sortable column of the Programs section to sort the results from top to bottom.
You can also use the dropdown arrow next to “Filters” to hide that section and focus just on the Programs table.
To learn more about any of the programs, click/tap on the name of the school to visit a page dedicated to that university and its track and field and cross-country teams. If you like what you see, use the “add to your opportunities” button to store that program in your own list of collegiate opportunities, under the "Opportunities" tab.

Don’t worry, by adding a program to your list, you’re not notifying the coach. This is simply how you can create your own list of options.
4. Contacting coaches
Before contacting coaches, it’s important to know that the number of coaches you can contact is limited. Basic (free) athletes can contact a maximum of two coaches. PLUS athletes can contact up to five at a time and PLUS ELITE can contact up to 9.
Here’s how:
Click/tap on the “Opportunities” button on the main navigation menu.

Programs you’ve added to your personal list will be shown in your “Wishlist” section.
When you’re confident in the two (Basic) or five (PLUS) or nine (PLUS ELITE) programs you’d like to contact, use the “contact coach” button. This will create "In Conversation" section beside your wishlist where you can see the programs you’ve made an effort to be in touch with.

Another great feature of the opportunities dashboard is you'll be able to see incoming messages from Coach outreaches, and answer whether you are interested in the school or not.

Next, Streamline Athletes will send the coach(es) the right information about you, your athletics, and your academics. One of three scenarios will occur:
- The Coach lets us know he/she is interested! We’ll introduce you and one of your ongoing conversation slots will remain occupied.
- The Coach lets us know he/she is not interested. We’ll remove the program from your Conversations (it will appear in a new Archived section) and you’ll be able to contact another coach instead.
- The Coach fails to respond. After 14 days, we’ll archive the attempt and you’ll be able to contact another coach instead.
If you’re not sure which two (Basic) or five (PLUS) programs you’d like to contact, you can research further using Explore Programs or you can simply click on the name of the school to read more. You can also use the "trash can" icon on Opportunities to remove programs from your list.
5. What’s next?
After signing up for Streamline Athletes, completing your profile, conducting your research, and contacting coaches, the journey is yours.
Ask questions, go for visits, and come back to Streamline Athletes to discover more track and field/cross-country programs.
Look into our FAQ Blog if you have anymore questions about Streamline Athletes and for more tips on your college recruitment journey!
Streamline Athletes is dedicated to helping high school track and field athletes make confident decisions about where to study and compete at the collegiate level. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about our product or starting your recruitment journey.
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